Sophie Gregoire Trudeau is a private citizen and gossiping about her life, speculating about where she is living when this might put her at risk is despicable. Do a story on the IDU or something relevant to readers and actual journalism. She deserves respect and privacy.

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This is entirely relevant to Canadians--how Trudeau conducted himself (i.e., still acting like he was in a solid marriage when he was effectively separated), and how much it cost taxpayers. Sophie Gregoire is part of that to any extent she went along with the ruse and agreed to be supported by taxpayers and not through a separation agreement with Justin.

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It actually just proves how easy it is for him to lie to Canadians, and the world actually

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She is sucking public funds for her security. We pay for her.

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Save your righteous indignation. Security is a necessity not a luxury. Tabloid journalists make a pathetic living off of salacious gossip like this.

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Picking up with another man so soon after separation seems a little suspicious to us. I and we wonder how long this has been going on. And, when is Justin going to reveal his present flame.

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Male chauvinist statement. Pathetic.

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--perhaps you just WANT to see his comment that way? I read it as a "suspicion" that Sophie didn't just now meet a new guy after the official break-up, but has perhaps been involved all along. I don't know if that's true, though I definitely think Trudeau was cheating (Melanie Joly being the likeliest candidate--and as you know, Joly being a subordinate, then that would be automatic sexual harassment on Trudeau's part).

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Silly. Zero interest in gossip; not anyone’s business. Moving on.

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It's every Canadians' business when the Prime Minister might well be practising sexual harassment right in front of everybody's eyes (just google his name and Melanie Joly--you might find the pics of them sparring in the boxing ring revealing). Why didn't the media press for answers? And why is Joly still in cabinet, and in a vitally important portfolio?? I repeat it's EVERYONE'S business?

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No. Sophie owes us nothing. Quit the slander/gossip/making it up as you go effort. Do good instead.

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Shes probably been banging guys for the last few years.

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She is not a private person. She has been a celebrity item for decades. That simply does not stop because she is separated. She is a news item and will be for many years.

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No respect for this skank!

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Cmon McGregor this is just trashy reporting, it happens all the time, it’s real life. Be better and less partisan, enough shilling for the cons.

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With all of the momentus news going on in the world and in Canada, THIS is what you choose to report on, what are you the gossip columnist.

Really lame

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Who cares? Let her live her life in peace.

And Justin is doing a great job in fighting the Americans. Better than Pollievre ever would or could.

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what a retarded comment

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None of my business, or yours, for that matter.

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This is of no importance in comparison to what is happening in the world. I thought I had left social media gossip.

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Who cares? Really…in this world, that is your headline?

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there’s nothing like real journalism…and this is NOTHING like real journalism. (go ahead, block me. it’s what you do…)

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What a disgusting display of lack of respect for people’s private lives this “article” shows. Do you go through your hosts’ medicine cabinets at dinner parties too.

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Ok and? What was the point of this piece? Why is it more important or significant? Millions of Canadians do things like this all the time; are you going to report on them too? Are we the morality police now? 🙄

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No media ever mentions Sophie G since the split. It was interesting to hear about this, because it was as if she was suddenly dead and gone and that was the end of it. I feel for the kids. Public figures have to know they will be open to public scrutiny for their various actions personal and political. I don’t consider this gossip, just interesting news.

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Very disappointed to see this from you. I have lost respect for you. Go away.

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That is one ugly bulldog.

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So now write about the PMs girlfriend

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I think he's gay.

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Don't care…we have much more important things to think about

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Nobody cares.

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Cant, it is probably a minor, or a guy or both

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